Blogophilia 20.14: Topsy Turvy

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Hard Bonus: Discuss the Butterfly Effect

Easy Bonus:
Mention a taxi or Uber

Spidey News

In a time where it seems like everything is Topsy Turvy, I feel like my creative streak is stunted. I swear life puts me in a spot where I’m needed, not necessarily where I want to be. In a world where there is power in numbers, my current situation calls for me to step up to the front, without a group I’m joining. It’s nuts…

The Butterfly Effect: My previous life situation brought me to the Hospitality Center, where I met a contact who introduced me to the place I’m recently laid off from. A change in administration led me to get hired with the help of another agency… In my head, it was supposed to be what carried me through, kind of like having a taxi do my driving while I got my stuff done. But, the new administration is fiscally inept at best, so my Spidey senses told me to step to the plate… As a former grassroots organizer, speaker, advocate (currently as well), I know the channels to take, and follow the suggestions… Low income people are relying on this agency.

It’s possible that my efforts may be ineffective. I could fall flat on my face, but, on the flip side, I could make a huge difference (even if not for me). I’ll clue you in on “news” as it happens, we’re still in the paper chase at the moment.

About likamarie

I am the founder of Youth Voice Initiative, the only non-profit 501c4 in the private sector to lobby against child abuse. Out of every job I've had since I started working at 18, Mom is most definitely my favorite (albeit the most challenging) job ever!
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9 Responses to Blogophilia 20.14: Topsy Turvy

  1. Planet Earth needs more humans like YOU, ready to step up to the plate and advocate for the less fortunate! Wishing you all the best. KUDOS Earthling!

    • likamarie says:

      It’s a bit daunting, previously what I stepped up for had hundreds, possibly thousands backing, but also would affect hundreds of thousands. This time, it’s not a lot of people, yet… the original vision of the organization still lives in MY head. I guess I can’t let the people who feel like they don’t have options go through this w/o someone… And, just hoping for the best. Thank you.

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia Week 20.14 – Topsy Turvy | Blogophilia

  3. Stormy Gail Dormire says:

    You have quite a topsy turvy task ahead

  4. Rebecca G says:

    Good luck. With faith and truth anything is possible.

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