Blogophilia 37.14: Lucky Charms

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Hard Bonus: Mention an Irish saying in your blog

Easy Bonus:
Include 3 different shades of green

Gator-boat fishing for clownfish

I used to have a brown leather satchel to carry my Lucky Charms in. These items weren’t necessarily anything special, sometimes it was just a cool rock I found at a special time or event in my life, but I also had a guitar pick from a band I went to see, too. Just things to remind me of the good times in life, but someone had gotten rid of it then blamed me for losing it. It wasn’t so much that the thing was gone, it was the attitude of the person, so, I don’t have anything to do with them.

Life gets crazy… sometimes it would be nice if I could go to Emerald City, go dance around the Land of Oz & get fixed up… Or maybe go around with my hunter/forest green garb, in honor of the Packers? But I’d like to find some Castleton or cadmium fabric, to see if I can make myself a blouse or scrub top, possibly a light jacket…

And here is your Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand

As a naturalist, I’d like to mention that I’d have the Great Mother hold everyone in the palm of her hand, but go with what you believe, and yes, until we meet again…

About likamarie

I am the founder of Youth Voice Initiative, the only non-profit 501c4 in the private sector to lobby against child abuse. Out of every job I've had since I started working at 18, Mom is most definitely my favorite (albeit the most challenging) job ever!
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5 Responses to Blogophilia 37.14: Lucky Charms

  1. You have some amazing Lucky Charms collected over the years, love it! And a most beautiful Irish saying. KUDOS, Earthling!

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia Week 37.14 – Lucky Charms | Blogophilia

  3. Hi Lika! Apologies I have been MIA – lots of OT at work since January! I can relate to this for sure. Awesome blog and I chose the same Irish saying!! xoxo

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